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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TimeAgo/doc

local p = {}

-- Function to format the date and calculate time difference
function p.timeAgo(frame)
    local founded = frame.args[1]
    local currentDate = mw.date("yyyy-mm-dd")
    -- Convert the founded date to a Lua date object
    local foundedDate = mw.text.split(founded, "-")
    local foundedYear = tonumber(foundedDate[1])
    local foundedMonth = tonumber(foundedDate[2])
    local foundedDay = tonumber(foundedDate[3])
    -- Current date components
    local currentYear = tonumber(mw.date("yyyy"))
    local currentMonth = tonumber(mw.date("mm"))
    local currentDay = tonumber(mw.date("dd"))
    -- Calculate the difference in years
    local yearDiff = currentYear - foundedYear
    local monthDiff = currentMonth - foundedMonth
    local dayDiff = currentDay - foundedDay
    -- If the current month and day haven't yet passed, subtract one year
    if monthDiff < 0 or (monthDiff == 0 and dayDiff < 0) then
        yearDiff = yearDiff - 1
    -- Format the founded date (e.g., "January 14th, 2024")
    local monthNames = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}
    local monthName = monthNames[foundedMonth]
    local daySuffix = "th"
    if foundedDay == 1 or foundedDay == 21 or foundedDay == 31 then
        daySuffix = "st"
    elseif foundedDay == 2 or foundedDay == 22 then
        daySuffix = "nd"
    elseif foundedDay == 3 or foundedDay == 23 then
        daySuffix = "rd"
    local formattedDate = monthName .. " " .. foundedDay .. daySuffix .. ", " .. foundedYear
    -- Return the formatted date with the "time ago" text
    return formattedDate .. " (" .. yearDiff .. " year(s) ago)"

return p